Our Philosophy

What is "Aagur"?
Aagur means 'the origin' in Kashmiri, be it Gangotri as Aagur of the Ganga or a mother as Aagur of her child.
We go the Aagur of things people love to have on the table. In other words, we go strain hunting for the finest and rarest varieties of dry fruits, saffron, honey, spices and other edibles and offer them to our patrons through our online store.
The journey has taken us strain hunting organic gourmet items from the Indo-Pakistan border to Drass, the coldest inhabited place on earth.
Aagur is an ongoing journey and quest........
We sort each produce and offer exclusively the cream of the crop
Our forte

Verified plantations
From long hikes to remote orchards & farms in the Himalayas to dangerous journeys at the Indo-Pak border, Aagur locates the purest source of a food ingredient and brings it from farm to one's table.

Authentic flavours
Each strain or variety of a product, be it the ones on offer or ones coming up, are thoroughly tested for an authentic flavour - the key characteristic which makes each Aagur product special.

Natural desi strains
The strains we offer are among the healthiest of any given product: be it our delicious organic dry fruits with high oil content or our saffron with the highest safranal and crocin rating in the world.

Exclusively Exceptional Ingredients

Straight from the
farms & orchards

sorted & packed